Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Holiday

Town ,Angels Camp

12/24 After 7 hours drove from La Canada Flintridge, we finally reached vacation place which is Angels Camp, located in the Goldrush country of Central California, east of San Francisco and Sacramento and north of Los Angeles. Along the way to Angels Camp, I can saw green grasses and cows beside the freeway. That time, I hope I can lied down on the green grasses.

12/24 at night, we had a Christmas game called white elephant, each person prepared two presents for the Christmas. The rules for this game are each person take two numbers, who number is 1st can choose the presents. If they like other person present, when is he/she turned, he/she can steal other person's present. Each presents can only steal twice times.
My cousin, YenMing
Cousin YenMing, ChingJui, WeiMeng and Uncle Robert,

Bear Valley

My cousin-Goldie
12/25 From Angel Camp to Bear Valley take about two hours drive. Along the road, I could see thick snow wall beside the road, it looks like ice cream.

Thanks for my uncle and my cousin, Wei Meng taught me the technique of skiing. Finally, i knew how to ski but still not very skill on it. Besides, I ate the snow when i fell down, it taste like water. I realized that skiing is the most expensive sport, all the skiing clothes, hat, goggle, ski shoe and all the ski equipment are expensive.

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